Pics on GMWAR

The GMWAR map is decorated with photographs that I have taken over the past decade or more. Except for the photos of people, I shot all of them. I photographed some of the people too.
My policy on the re-use of my photos is simple. Use them on any web page, but give me credit in a form that looks just like this: This image copyright Tadd Torborg - Used with permission
I want you to link that phrase to my homepage,

Why Don't I See Your Pictures In GMWAR?

BZFlag is installed by default with a limitation on where pictures may come from. My pictures come from my own web server, In order to open up BZFlag to see my pictures as well you need to follow one of these pieces of instruction. In general it should take you about a minute to fix the problem.
In order to see the images you will need bzflag v2.0.4 or later and you need to edit your DownloadAccess.txt file.
By default only * and * are allowed as sources of images but no other sites are allowed. My site isn't in the list.
You need to either replace the deny * line with allow * or insert "allow" into the list of allowed places. (note: * will NOT work)
Here is where to find the DownloadAccess.txt file:
(* will NOT work)
user_home/Library/Application Support/BZFlag/DownloadAccess.txt
In your "My Documents" folder is a folder called "My BZFLAG Files".
In there is a file "downloadaccess.txt".  Double Click on it.
There are three lines in the file that look like this:
allow *
allow *
deny *
change it to say:
allow *
allow *
deny *

Save the file and restart bzflag.  You should see the pictures.

The Pictures

These are the photographs (except for the Rogue's Gallery) that are around the map. I have plenty more on my homepage.

These two are of Jack and I (tadd) on a ride that was on the boardwalk at Daytona Beach, summer 2003. I shot the one on the left. My daughter Laura shot the one on the right.
These images copyright Tadd Torborg - Used with permission

This I shot on our summer vacation, driving 10,000 miles in the lower 48, summer 2004. This is in Monument Valley on the Arizona, Utah border.
This image copyright Tadd Torborg - Used with permission

This I shot sometime in the mid 200Xs from the Contemporary Resort at Disney's Magic Kingdom.
This image copyright Tadd Torborg - Used with permission

Again on our driving vacation in 2004, this is Jack jumping in a field west of Colorado Springs, CO.
This image copyright Tadd Torborg - Used with permission

This I shot in 2000 I think. It is a photo of Carver's Harbor on Vinalhaven Island, ME.
This image copyright Tadd Torborg - Used with permission

This I shot in the late 1990s in Quebec City. This is the Chateau Frontenac. It is an early 20th century hotel built by the Canadian Pacific (Could be CN. not sure) railroad to attract tourists. I could be wrong. Please email me to correct.
This image copyright Tadd Torborg - Used with permission

This I shot in summer of 2005 in Jacksonville Florida at an airshow on Jacksonville Beach. It is an A-10 low altitude anti-tank jet.
This image copyright Tadd Torborg - Used with permission

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