Mohonk Mountain House


In the Catskill Mountains, just west of Newpaltz NY, (60ish miles north of NYC) there is an old resort hotel on a lake. It is still operated as a resort but has walking trails open to the public, winding up and down hills, through beautiful and elaborate gardens/groves. In my opinion this is the most beautiful place in NY State, and more beautiful than anything in Connecticut or NJ as well. If you have to be in NYC, Springfield MA, Albany, Poughkeepsie, or NJ for any period of time you just HAVE to spend a day at Mohonk. These photos were taken by an amateur (the pros would do lots better) on a random Saturday in late Spring 1996.
All pictures by Tadd Torborg. See copyright notice at the bottom of the page.

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Image 22, view towards Newpalz NY

The lay of the land

The mountain house sits on a lake which itself is hundreds of feet up a ridgeline called the Kittatini Ridge. Above the lake, just southeast of the mountain home is a rock tower which trails lead to. Some of these pictures were taken at the elevation of the mountain house. Others were taken from the tower.

Getting to Mohonk...



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All photos copyright Tadd Torborg.   You may use them for any purpose if you list me and my web site: as the credit.   Thanks.