Torborg house in Orlando, updated 9/18/2003

This site has the floor plans, pictures of our house construction in progress, and photos of similar houses showing interior and exterior design details. I also have a collection of maps and images showing where the house is relative to Florida, Orlando, the neighborhood, etc.
This web site is broken up into sections. The sections are each updated independandantly.
Page 1 - Maps of Florida, and the development, aerial photo updated 5/21/2003
Page 2 - Plot plan, pix of our end of the development updated 4/02/2003
Page 3 - What it will look like (models, other houses) updated 7/27/2003
Page 4 - Construction photos as the house is built updated 9/18/2003
Page 5 - Problems that need to be fixed - unfinished work updated 9/18/2003