Palisades to Rockingham Movie, big movie play

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The movie is 9 minutes long. It is a video that starts on the highway leading up to the Palisades Center Mall in southern New York and that ends at the Rockingham Mall in New Hampshire. The video encompasses about 6 hours of the life of the Torborg family and thought it mostly takes place in and around the two stores it also includes a bit of the activity in and out of our car as we quickly moved from one mall to the other.
We had to go to both stores you see. They were both opening on the same day. It was sad. We really really wanted to see both openings. It was quite interesting to see the faces of the people in New Hampshire when they realised what we'd done. It's 215 miles from one store to the other. To people on both ends it seems longer. NYC and southern NH are supposed to be worlds apart.
The only bug with this movie is that I'm a rank amateur when it comes to videography. I haven't used a movie camera since I was 14 and this one is brand new and includes some features that need some experience to use and some fine tuning. One of the big bugs with this camera is that out of the box it only had 45 minutes of battery life. That's AFTER charging the battery. Consequently the battery was almost but not quite dead when we pulled into the parking lot back in New Hampshire.
So... you get to see my first video! Those that have previewed it think it is quite interesting, if not good. It's certainly worth a viewing if you have a network connection that can do it. The medium size version is 70MB. The small one is 28MB. The only big issue with the small one is that you can't really read some of the road signs. The audio is raw unfiltered in-car discussion, music from the stores, what you hear. No disco music (except what was coming from the store stereo system).
I only show up in this movie visually once. Can you spot me?
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